ACISJF In-Via European Regional Commission (CRE)
From May 24-26, 2018, the ACISJF In-Via European Regional Commission (CRE) met in Cagliari, Sardinia. Participants included Miriam Diaz Camargo (ACISJF International President) and National ACISJF Committee Representatives from Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Switzerland.

► French national Committee
The French national Committee ensure the link with the international Committee of ACISJF – IN VIA. Some of its members represent the Association as NGO at UNESCO.
It participates on an ad hoc basis in projects of member associations.
► FOYERS INVIA - Paris Committee – ACSJF
Accompanying in homes adolescents aged 14 to 21 years.
Two homes receive 89 youngs in 5 Life Unities with 3 levels of educational accompaniment.

► Asociacion Catolica Internacional de Servicios a la Juventud Feminina
Presidente: Antonia García Fernández
Nos actions sont basées sur trois piliers : accueil, formation professionnelle, intégration sociale.
Working in 6 cities.

► Associação Católica Internacional ao Serviço da Juventude Feminina
Active in five cities, accompanimenyt for young girls and mothers in difficulty
Welcome in students and young workers residence.
Information and Training Centers.