
Vie de l'association
A pleasant and unexpected discovery
A pleasant and unexpected discovery
"To Maria Schwan
January 1923
Two days ago I received a letter from my good friend Mr. Domanig, who is the representative of the Austrian Students in Pax Romana.
In this letter he laments about the urgent needs and misery that exist in Austria. The Union of Catholic Charity (founded by Chancellor Seipel four years ago) started the Youth Protection Association.
It looks like this Association will be dissolved because the necessary funds are lacking. There are many children and women workers in Vienna today without a roof over their heads, left prey to hunger and misery.
My friend is begging me to assist them with a collection.
In the spirit of Pax Romana, I thought that you would be able to do the same you did in Holland.
I know you and your kind heart, and I am certain that you will do it with joy.
I beg you to reply to me immediately, then I will send your address to Mr. Domanig and my friend will correspond directly with you.
Many grateful thanks in anticipation, and I cordially greet you.
Pier Giorgio Frassati"