ACISJF-IN VIA International

International Catholic Association for Girls

Our Partners


International Catholic Center for Cooperation with UNESCO

CCIC is a network for reflection, information, exchange, and training based on Christian values of solidarity and commitment.

CCIC is a network of Catholic and Christian inspired NGOs.

The rôle of CCIC is to speak at UNESCO on behalf of its members and benefactors. It also undertakes important mission of information, documentation, liaison, stimulation and studies for the service of

Christians interested in the issues addressed by UNESCO.

Association Life

Seminar: prevention of early pregnancy and accompaniment of mothers minor

From November 22-26, 2016, ACISJF Africa organized  a Seminar on the Prevention of early Pregnancy and Accompaniment of Child Mothers. The Seminar was conducted by EVA (Education for Life and Love) and took place in Mayanga, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.

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